Wednesday, September 25, 2013

I think I have a BlogCrush...

Would you like to know what I have spent the majority of the past 2 weeks doing? 

Obsessively reading through every post Brittany Gibbons has every written. I'm pretty sure I'm in love...

Sure, she's a married mom of 3 and sure I'm in a (great) committed relationship, but she makes my brain tingle people.  In an effort to pay homage to her I am going to list the top 5 reasons why she currently rules my universe.

5. She is thick and lovin' it! I don't think it will come as a shock to anyone that I have some serious body issues and Brittany has been there, done that, got the t-shirt. Twice. But now she has adapted a new way of loving herself and her curves and she is out there telling big girls to own their bodies. I told you she's awesome!

4. Her kids are models. No, seriously you guys, they are to die for. 

3. Her marriage is inspiring. She's been with Andy since like high school and they're still totally in love but not in like a super gross way or anything. They're just funny and awesome and it gives me hope.

2. She has an amazing sense of style. She's always posting cute style tips for the curvy ladies and her house is super cute and I think I could go shopping in her closet.

1. I want her life. Ok, maybe not her life exactly because that would be weird, but she totally made this amazing career from her blog and she is doing so many cool projects with super cool people and I am just in awe of her.

There you have it. If I haven't convinced you to go read her blog yet, I have failed you... 

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