Friday, September 27, 2013

6 Months Comfortable

Let me set the scene; We were trying to find somewhere to pee. Two girls + lots of water + one saying she has to pee = HolyFuckFindABathroomNOW. Got the picture? Good, let's move on.

It was at this moment that I realized just how much our relationship has changed since we started dating. Want some examples? 

  •  Months 1-4 I was starving. My girlfriend eats like a baby bird. I could eat 6 baby birds and still be hungry. Jk. But seriously, if anyone ever serves me a cornish game hen as an entree I will eat their soul with ketchup on it. The point is, at the beginning of our relationship I ate in super tiny portions and refused any and all snacks because "Lol I'm an internally skinny person and these layers of fat are just for warmth babe!" Now...its more like "Yes, I am going to eat this burger and fries and the rest of our appetizer but I'll skip desert for you though..."
  •  Super fucking gross conversations. Like; "oh no yea girls totally poop" and "OMG I'm pretty sure I am dying based on the amount of blood coming out of my uterus" and "I farted *sprays perfume by butt area* just thought I'd warn you". It goes without saying, that is not the most exciting of the changes.
  • Bring on the sweatpants people. Actually, my lovely girlfriend has been rocking the "comfy" look since day one but it totally works on her so I never complained. I, however, took great care to wear pretty dresses and perfect make up and holy Christ I didn't iron my hair so please don't look at my face-ness. That last part made no sense but you know what I mean. Now; well as I write this post, my hair is in a bun I am in sweats and a tee with not a smidge of make up on and I'm pretty sure my debit card is still in my bra while she plays Sims on her phone across from me. This, is romance people.
  • I hid my addiction. Shopping addiction that is, put down the phone mom I don't need another intervention. I pretty much buy a new outfit weekly. It's my happy time. It makes working 40+ hours bearable. The thing is, GF told me once that she wanted someone who was responsible and in true over-reacter fashion I took that to mean "run and hide your crazy spending habits". It actually wasn't so hard because she didn't actually know how much clothing I owned but eventually I figured that she would start to notice that things always looked new and were rarely repeated so I slowly started interjecting my lunchtime shopping trips into the conversations. She didn't judge me for it and it totally made me feel way better about like, life and shit.
  • I curse soooo much. Like, I actively try not to curse on here and still curse a fuckton. My GF rarely curses and when she does it's because she really really means it. Let's just put it this way, when we started talking, I had the flowing pretty vocabulary of a debutante and now it's a little more like Tony Soprano...
  • The queen has made her debut. I am super dramatic. Like ugly Kim K. crying, did you just call me fat?, who the fuck are you texting right now? dramatic. I can't help it. I like to think its charming (its not). I used to work really really hard to hide this from her. My poor best friend was/is subjected to far too many irrational arguments that are actually meant for the GF. I've found a way to let out my crazy side without like, scaring her into changing her phone number and moving to a new state. I simply let her know that I fully accept that what I am about to say is batshit crazy and I think she kinda just takes that and let's me be me (I hope). 
  • We are calling each other out on our shit. The happy days of "YOU'RE SO PERFECT AND AWESOME AND EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU IS WONDERFUL!!" are over. Not to say that she isn't wonderful or anything, we're just more realistic now that the pixie dust has started to wear off. Mainly, she tells me when I'm being dramatic (which is often) and I tell her when she's being a jerk/ass (also often). It's cute though.

While I realize that we have a long road ahead and probably way more growing to do, I really like where we are now. It feels real and cozy and accepting. And the sweat pants are way more awesome than trying to keep the damn dresses from hiking up over my ass all the time...

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