Monday, September 30, 2013

Fall Lineup 2013!!

**Post contains spoilers**

Praise the TV Lord!!

Fall prime time shows are back people, and my DVR and I could not be more excited. I don't wanna beat around the bush or talk too much crap so let's get down to it...

How I Met Your Mother- Ok, am I the only one that is starting to get a little annoyed at Ted? Actually, at all of the characters. I'm pretty sure NPH is the only reason this is still on my recording rotation. Well that, and the fact that I overly commit to shows and feel the need to see them through the good and the bad. Now that I got that out of my system, I will say that I am totally loving "The Mother" character so maybe not all hope is lost.

The Middle- Still as funny as ever. I am obsessed with Frankie and the season opener was super cute. The whole mom taking the kid to college thing totally tugged at all my heartstrings. Sue is still driving me insane and I really hope that while Axl is technically at college, he will still make a fair amount of appearances. Mike and Brick are perfection. 

Modern Family- Holy Beyonce people! I was so so so into this episode. Although, I kinda wanted to slap Claire a little. But who cares, let's get to the good stuff... THE GREATEST PROPOSAL EVER. I am beyond in love with Cam & Mitch and their proposal was so beautiful and just absolutely perfect. As always, this show handles the topic of an adult gay relationship flawlessly. I commend the writers on keeping it both realistic and hilarious. I can't wait for the wedding. I'm thinking of dressing up for the occasion! No, just me...alright then. Party poopers.

Law & Order: SVU- Yes, I still watch this. Quit with the judging. The 2 hour season opener was to die for. I cried internally and had some super weird dreams thanks to it. Also, Mariska Hartigay makes my world a better place. 

Nashville- Officially off my DVR rotation. I'm sorry to see it go, but I'm really really bored of it. Don't hate me.

The Mindy Project- I will admit that I did not watch the first season, and yes I am hating myself because of it. I did however catch the first two episodes of the second season and I am in love love love. It's super funny and super easy to just adore. If you're like me and lived under a rock for the first season, it's not too late. Get with it. 

The Big Bang Theory- Still funny and not much has changed but what else can you expect...

Grey's Anatomy- All I can say is that you made me love you again. 

Parenthood- So many emotions. I am in love with Amber and they way her story is turning out. Their whole family dynamic is just wonderful.

That's pretty much all I've seen for now. I can't wait for Scandal which I'm sure will merit a post of its own. If you have any suggestions on what else I should be watching please let me know :) 

Friday, September 27, 2013

6 Months Comfortable

Let me set the scene; We were trying to find somewhere to pee. Two girls + lots of water + one saying she has to pee = HolyFuckFindABathroomNOW. Got the picture? Good, let's move on.

It was at this moment that I realized just how much our relationship has changed since we started dating. Want some examples? 

  •  Months 1-4 I was starving. My girlfriend eats like a baby bird. I could eat 6 baby birds and still be hungry. Jk. But seriously, if anyone ever serves me a cornish game hen as an entree I will eat their soul with ketchup on it. The point is, at the beginning of our relationship I ate in super tiny portions and refused any and all snacks because "Lol I'm an internally skinny person and these layers of fat are just for warmth babe!" Now...its more like "Yes, I am going to eat this burger and fries and the rest of our appetizer but I'll skip desert for you though..."
  •  Super fucking gross conversations. Like; "oh no yea girls totally poop" and "OMG I'm pretty sure I am dying based on the amount of blood coming out of my uterus" and "I farted *sprays perfume by butt area* just thought I'd warn you". It goes without saying, that is not the most exciting of the changes.
  • Bring on the sweatpants people. Actually, my lovely girlfriend has been rocking the "comfy" look since day one but it totally works on her so I never complained. I, however, took great care to wear pretty dresses and perfect make up and holy Christ I didn't iron my hair so please don't look at my face-ness. That last part made no sense but you know what I mean. Now; well as I write this post, my hair is in a bun I am in sweats and a tee with not a smidge of make up on and I'm pretty sure my debit card is still in my bra while she plays Sims on her phone across from me. This, is romance people.
  • I hid my addiction. Shopping addiction that is, put down the phone mom I don't need another intervention. I pretty much buy a new outfit weekly. It's my happy time. It makes working 40+ hours bearable. The thing is, GF told me once that she wanted someone who was responsible and in true over-reacter fashion I took that to mean "run and hide your crazy spending habits". It actually wasn't so hard because she didn't actually know how much clothing I owned but eventually I figured that she would start to notice that things always looked new and were rarely repeated so I slowly started interjecting my lunchtime shopping trips into the conversations. She didn't judge me for it and it totally made me feel way better about like, life and shit.
  • I curse soooo much. Like, I actively try not to curse on here and still curse a fuckton. My GF rarely curses and when she does it's because she really really means it. Let's just put it this way, when we started talking, I had the flowing pretty vocabulary of a debutante and now it's a little more like Tony Soprano...
  • The queen has made her debut. I am super dramatic. Like ugly Kim K. crying, did you just call me fat?, who the fuck are you texting right now? dramatic. I can't help it. I like to think its charming (its not). I used to work really really hard to hide this from her. My poor best friend was/is subjected to far too many irrational arguments that are actually meant for the GF. I've found a way to let out my crazy side without like, scaring her into changing her phone number and moving to a new state. I simply let her know that I fully accept that what I am about to say is batshit crazy and I think she kinda just takes that and let's me be me (I hope). 
  • We are calling each other out on our shit. The happy days of "YOU'RE SO PERFECT AND AWESOME AND EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU IS WONDERFUL!!" are over. Not to say that she isn't wonderful or anything, we're just more realistic now that the pixie dust has started to wear off. Mainly, she tells me when I'm being dramatic (which is often) and I tell her when she's being a jerk/ass (also often). It's cute though.

While I realize that we have a long road ahead and probably way more growing to do, I really like where we are now. It feels real and cozy and accepting. And the sweat pants are way more awesome than trying to keep the damn dresses from hiking up over my ass all the time...

Fun Fact Friday

These actually may not be all that fun...or factual, but I like words that start with the same letter so just go with it...

1. I have a love/hate relationship with my gym membership. Love that I have one and love the 3 days out of the month that I go. Hate that I haven't gone at all this month.

2. I have an irrational fear of breast cancer. Although it is something to be cautious of, I'm almost positive I don't need the self checks every other day. In all fairness, my boobs are awesome and anything that threatens them scares the living Jesus out of me.

3. To continue with the fear theme; I am terrified of frogs and lizards and everyone thinks its a stupid fear but it's not and I will fight with you about it...just ask my girlfriend. I think I may have cried a little.

4. I am a drama queen. Completely unrelated to Fun Fact #3. In that instance, I was right and not dramatic at all (I totally was and apologized for it).

5. If it was possible, I would eat all of my meals out of a bowl with all of the ingredients mixed together with a big spoon (I may have some "Peter Pan" issues to deal with).

That's all for today everyone :)


Wednesday, September 25, 2013

I think I have a BlogCrush...

Would you like to know what I have spent the majority of the past 2 weeks doing? 

Obsessively reading through every post Brittany Gibbons has every written. I'm pretty sure I'm in love...

Sure, she's a married mom of 3 and sure I'm in a (great) committed relationship, but she makes my brain tingle people.  In an effort to pay homage to her I am going to list the top 5 reasons why she currently rules my universe.

5. She is thick and lovin' it! I don't think it will come as a shock to anyone that I have some serious body issues and Brittany has been there, done that, got the t-shirt. Twice. But now she has adapted a new way of loving herself and her curves and she is out there telling big girls to own their bodies. I told you she's awesome!

4. Her kids are models. No, seriously you guys, they are to die for. 

3. Her marriage is inspiring. She's been with Andy since like high school and they're still totally in love but not in like a super gross way or anything. They're just funny and awesome and it gives me hope.

2. She has an amazing sense of style. She's always posting cute style tips for the curvy ladies and her house is super cute and I think I could go shopping in her closet.

1. I want her life. Ok, maybe not her life exactly because that would be weird, but she totally made this amazing career from her blog and she is doing so many cool projects with super cool people and I am just in awe of her.

There you have it. If I haven't convinced you to go read her blog yet, I have failed you... 

Monday, September 16, 2013

6 days and we stopped counting...

So I quit. On day 6 to be more specific. In my defense, I was so sick of the lemonade I was barely drinking half of the daily recommended minimum and that is super dangerous. Even though I was 4 days shy of my goal, I'm still really proud that I stuck it out for as long as I did. I'm even more proud that I didn't binge my little heart out on Sunday. I stuck to juice and soup (and bread, sorry I was hungry and my mom got the good bread). 

That's pretty much it. I'm really happy to taste food again.

Friday, September 13, 2013

I wish I could quit you...

We are in the middle of Day 5 everyone! 

I'm so hungry. Actually, I don't know if I'm hungry or just craving food but whatever it is I want to kill something and eat it (chicken or cow not a person or anything weird like that). 

I am very happy to report that I have not cheated and the worst is over...hopefully.

I've lost 7.4 pounds and it honestly is not as bad as I expected. The food withdrawal is really hard but it comes and goes. I think my biggest complaint would be the random aches and pains, but all the websites say that they are my organs being cleansed so that's gotta be good.

I will admit to you guys that the hunger attacks are pretty intense. They were almost unbearable for the first 3 days but now I'm handling them a lot better. What has worked for me is reminding myself that the moment will pass and if I give in I'll feel really terrible about myself. Also, the fact that since I haven't eaten for 5 days it would be a little stupid of me to stuff my face because my digestive system would probably freak out and explode or something...I don't know.

My skin has cleared up quite a bit but I still have some hormonal breakouts here and there. Oh well, that's life I guess. The best outcome has been all of the rest I'm getting. I usually have a lot of trouble falling asleep and some night I don't sleep at all, but being on the cleanse has taken care of that. I fall asleep within minutes of getting in bed and sleep all the way through to my alarm. It's heavenly. 

I'm hoping to keep going until next Friday and do a Gallbladder Flush on Saturday. Before anyone freaks out, I actually do suffer from a severe amount of gallstones that have caused me to be hospitalized several times so the flush is very necessary for me in order to avoid surgery.

Anyways, that's all for now. Wish me luck :)

Monday, September 9, 2013

Day One

In true procrastinator fashion I started TMC a week later. As you may have guessed by the title, today is my first day. I'll admit that I cheated in a small way, instead of using fresh squeezed lemon juice I bought organic pre-squeezed juice. I'm really hoping that doesn't make too much of a difference bu we'll see...

I'll level with you guys; while I do want to clean my body and reboot my system and all, a big part of this cleanse is because I want to lose weight. Now hear me out, I am not expecting a miracle cure and I am perfectly aware that I will gain back most of what I lose while on the cleanse. My goal is to try to get rid of my junk food cravings and eating fixations (i.e. going out to dinner as a recreational activity). I am hoping that by the elimination of all foods for an extended period of time, I will be able to get myself into the mindset of wanting healthier foods. I know that once I transition back into food again I will have to be really careful not to binge or fall back on my old habits. I do have the benefit of my wonderful best friend Luisa who is willing to take the challenge with me, so at least we'll be hungry together. We'll see how far our willpower can take us...

P.S. In case you're wondering, yes I am starving.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

So about that Master Cleanse...

In my defense, it was my birthday and the first long weekend I've had in months. I really do want to try it and I probably will start it sometime this week...

Okay, I'll go buy the stuff today. Just a couple of days late. That won't harm anybody.

Moving on. Let me tell you about my birthday weekend!

Friday (the actual birthday)- All I have to say about Friday is that my girlfriend is phenomenal and my mom has outdone herself. 

-Let's start off with mom; I've been working pretty hard lately to get myself out of debt but it tends to leave me frustrated because I have to scrimp and save so much. The main target of this frustration is the fact that I no longer have a smartphone. Yes I know how shallow and materialistic that sounds and believe me I do kick myself about it. The point is that my mom decided to reward my hard work by getting me a tablet for my birthday. Needless to say, I am in love with it. It is a sick and beautiful obsession. Honestly though, the best part of the gift was getting the sense that my mom does see that I have changed and that she does take notice in how hard I'm working. It definitely gives me a lot of hope for our relationship in the future.

-Now on to the girlfriend; Did I mention she's phenomenal? She came to my job and surprised me with balloons and a tiara and a perfume shaped like a cat! I was in heaven. I totally wore the tiara for like 86% of the rest of the day. Later on that night she took me out to dinner and we had a really nice time and had some really great food. She totally had the intention of getting the waiters to sing to me but because of some mishap that I will not share with the internet, it didn't happen, which was good because I would've felt really awkward I think. We went back to her house where I had even more surprises waiting for me. Her little sister made me a super sweet birthday card and her mom made me a really cute necklace that is like the epitome of everything that I like (thanks again Mel!). The final surprise was an adorable birthday cake she made me along with her sister. They sang me happy birthday and when I went to blow out the candles I realized I had nothing to wish for. I've been blessed with an incredible person who loves me and works hard to make me happy every single day. I am so very thankful for her and I hope she feels like I work hard to make her happy as well.

Saturday- Spent it relaxing at the mall and then at my girlfriend's house. It was really nice and chill. Kinda really wish it was Saturday again but let's not dwell on the past.

Sunday- I slept. Played Sims Freeplay and watched Disney movies on Netflix, then slept some more. It was awesome.

Monday- We finally made it to Key West. Even though it was just a quick day trip and it was sweltering the entire time we were there, it was a very fun day. We toured Hemingway's house and I pet (stalked) a whole bunch of the cats. We walked Duval St and saw lots of cool stuff, like the lady that had a monkey in a baby stroller. I'm not even remotely joking. I also may have stalked her a little bit too... We walked, a lot. We laughed, a lot. By the end of the day we were completely wiped out. We ended our trip with dinner at Cracker Barrel and I fell in love with the food. Definitely will be doing it all again.

I hope your long weekend was fun and eventful as well. I'll post pics as soon as I take the disposable camera to get developed. It's cute and old school okay, don't judge me.