Monday, August 26, 2013

To Sophie, the most beautiful cat ever...

I think it’s kind of silly to write a letter to cat, especially since you can’t read it. I want to write it though because I feel like I need to thank the universe for you. I’m not sure if you’re aware of this but when I first adopted you, I was living out of my car. My mom had kicked me out and I had no where to go. Now, I have no idea why the brilliant idea of getting a pet when I didn’t have a home came up but it did, and I chose you. Thankfully, a few days after I took you my mom let me come back home. At first she was not thrilled about you (she’s not big on pets and our building didn’t allow them). I fought hard to keep you because having you made me happier than I had been in a very long time. You were so small and warm and you loved me so much. I was and am your whole world. Every time I come home you rush to the door and beg for attention. I sleep soundly every night snuggled up with your furry little self.
            I don’t know if you know this, but you’ve saved me on more than one occasion. When I’m at my lowest and I feel myself slipping away you curl up next to me and put your paw on my face. This may seem insignificant but every time you do this I remember that at least one soul in this world needs me. I remember that, even if you’re just a cat, I matter to you. I cry my woes to you. I confess my sins to you. I profess my adoration for you on a daily basis. I might not be here writing these letters if you had never come into my life. I’m thankful for you every single day.

With all the love I can give,

Mommy (the one that puts the food in the bowl)

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