Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Princess and the Hood Rat...

Once upon a time...okay, ours isn't exactly a once upon a time love story, but it's a fairy tale none the less.
I'm fuzzy on some of the details, I actually don't even remember how we met. I wish I did because meeting him changed me. I won't bore you with the details of our courtship. Leave it at the fact that he was wrong for me in every way and also right for me in every way. My family strictly forebode it (I'm not kidding, the word forbid was used more than once), but we didn't care. For 10 excruciating months I tried to deny what my heart wanted from day one. God bless that boy's heart he kept on trying, no matter how many times I shot him down.
It all lands on one fateful night in a magic kingdom. We had been fighting for about a week and weren't even speaking to each other. From the bus ride over all I wanted was to see him. I finally worked up the nerve and called him while I was walking through the park with my friends. I told him I wanted to see him and he asked me to go find him. Naturally I was insulted, I mean had the boy never seen a romantic comedy? He was supposed to find me! He convinced me that since he'd never been to the kingdom before and since I had, that it was the smarter choice for me to find him. Whatever, screw him and his logic...that resolve lasted me all of ten seconds. 
After a few missed tries, mainly his fault I might add, he was finally able to guide me to him. I stood on one end of the bridge and my heart stopped. I saw him just a few seconds before he saw me but those seconds were enough. I fell for him, with the fireworks as a soundtrack. We started walking towards each other and then I'm almost positive one of us started running. Before I knew it, he had me in his arms. I know guys, it sounds like a bunch of crock but it's all true.
We walked around and held hands and there was a lot of hugging but neither of us took the big plunge. We were walking out of some dance tent thing and I made a comment about being hungry, he faced me square on and opened his arms inviting me to take a bite. Little did he know that I would. I don't know how it happened. I have no clue who the hell in my head authorized the move but I grabbed his shirt, pulled him in, and the rest is history...
Shitty, messy, painful history. But before all that there was love. Real fairy tale kind of love. We were consumed with each other every minute of the day. We were either always with each other or talking to each other. Maybe that was our mistake, but we just couldn't get enough. We were happy.
Regardless of how it ended, I'm glad we had it. Love like that only happens once. Innocent and perfect. I'll never forget the boy that brought me red roses for no reason. I'll never forget the way he used to look at me. I'll never forget the countless hours we spent in his bed completely oblivious to the outside world. I may never get the chance to have him again, but I'll never forget him. 

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