Sunday, September 2, 2012

How to Lock the Monsters in their Cages...

It seems to me that after being alive for a certain amount of time, life decides that the fun days are over and shit gets real. It is at this point that you start experiencing what therapists call "traumatic events" and "defining moments". While I am clearly not an expert at over coming life's hurdles, I do have some experience in maintaining a sense of normalcy when it feels like the world has spun out of it axis and we are all hurdling towards our imminent death.
So what I'd like to do is share with you some of my steps to help guide you through recovery;

1. Get the fuck out of bed. No matter how hard the pain you are feeling may be, the world is still spinning and your life is still going. Laying in bed wallowing in your own misery will not solve anything. 

2. Continue your routine as normally as possible. I understand fully that when you are dealing with some especially emotionally taxing stuff it may make you want to punch everyone in the face. That's okay, just don't actually punch people in the face, cops seem to take that pretty seriously. I guarantee that even the mild distraction of your mind-numbing job will help.

3. Do as many "happy" things as you can. We all have some activities or guilty pleasures that just seem to make it all better. Cling to that with all you got. (Disclaimer: Results may very if those "happy" things involve drugs or alcohol, trust me I've looked into this).

4. Put yourself on a sad time allowance. I know it sounds crazy but it has worked for me in the past. It's understandable that you're sad or just plain broken. You need to give yourself time to heal, but you're not doing yourself any favors if that time is 24/7. Try to limit how much time you spend pondering over the "what ifs" and other depressing crap. Gradually reduce the time you spend until you have no need for it.

5. Constantly remind yourself that there are still things to look forward to. I know it seems far fetched right now but you've gotten over pain before and you'll get over this too. The sun will shine, birds will sing, babies will giggle, and all will be right in the world again. Chin up buttercup, you'll be okay.

I hope you take my advice to heart and that things get better sooner rather than later. Remember the ones you love and that they love you. Everything will be okay, I promise.

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