Tuesday, September 11, 2012

An Open Letter to Frank Ocean...

I wasn't planning to write you a letter but your actions have inspired me. The first thing I'd like to say is how much I applaud your boldness. Even in our ultra modern times, we (as a society) struggle to accept those who we consider to be "not normal". Now, anyone that has taken an Intro to Psychology class can tell you that there is no such thing as normal and yet we continually fail to accept the concept. I am not exempt from this character flaw. 
I have always been very outspoken about my support for the LGBT community, but I am intolerant of those who are not. I realize now that intolerance is the same, regardless of who it is directed towards.
I don't know if you realize the magnitude of the statement you made. I know for a fact that many of your fans will be moved to take the same step. I hope other artists, actors, and celebrities who are struggling with their identities can find the courage as well. In my few years of life I have learned that life is simply not worth living if you are not living it as yourself. I commend you for your strength and courage of conviction. I hope anyone and everyone that reads this finds the same bravery in their heart.
Live the life you want. Be the person you are inside. 
That, in my modest opinion, is the key to true happiness. I hope that life, God, Karma, the Universe, or whatever else you may believe in bring you the very best. I hope you feel the love and thanks many of us are sending you.

Truly your fan,


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