Wednesday, August 21, 2013

To my inability to dance...

Hello, I am Cuban, did you know that? Yup, Cuban. Born and raised. This means that I am supposed to be able to dance, keep time with beat, and also have a big ass, but I digress. Would it really have been so difficult to give me just a smidge of dancing talents? I mean, I don't want to be a ballerina or anything like that but it would be nice to be able to salsa like every other Cuban ever. I know it's not all your fault, my mom can't dance either so I am aware that there some genetic issues at play here too. However, haven't you heard of mind over matter? We could've made me a better dancer.
I admit, I am at fault for not practicing but my lack of talent is so intense that it's a little pathetic to try. I even suck at Zumba, and no one sucks at Zumba. I often fantasize about how I would dance to certain songs (if I could actually move to the beat, that is). It makes me sad to know that for as much as I imagine the moves; my body will refuse to execute them. It's not so much that I can't move my feet, or my, hips, or my other body parts to the rhythm of the music. The problem starts when I try to move more than one body part at a time to the rhythm of the music. I'm seriously beginning to think that I'm just wired wrong. I feel very Pinocchio-like, wishing I could dance like a real girl. Screw you brain, just screw you.

Two left feet, can't move to the beat

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